Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Writing Assignment 3 Part III


First go to Nelson Mandela

Writing Assignment 3 Part III

Common Core Learning Standards : WS 8.2, 8.6, 8.8

Objective: Students will diverse media to reinforce the elements of story plot.

This will be done entirely online.

Task: using the work you did on Parts I and II you have make a powerpoint presentation.

The powerpoint must have at least 12 slides.
Each slide has to have an image
You must have at least 2 video clips
The slides must include
1. Your name
2. Plot Diagram
3. Title of movie
4. When and where did you see it
5. Introduction
6. Inciting Incident
7. Rising Action 1
8. Rising Action 2
9. Climax
10. Falling Action
11. Resolution
12. Closing statement - what did I learn, do I recommend this film etc.

This part of the project will be worth 60 points:

36 points for the slides (3 points each - 1 for image or video, 1 for content, 1 for layout)
15 for presentation of final project (5 speaking clearly, 5 for being in front of class, 5 for questioning the audience
14 points for completing the project on time - 5 points subtracted for each day late.

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