Sunday, December 8, 2013

December 9- December 13

December 9- December 13

Monday: Story of Keesh, Vocabulary, Project Presentations
               Homework - Study Vocabulary

Tuesday: Story of Keesh, Vocabulary, Assembly, Goal Setting
               Homework - Study Vocabulary

Wednesday: VOCABULARY QUIZ, Story of Keesh
              Homework - Writing Assignment 4

Thursday: Finish Story of Keesh, work on Writing Assignment 4
             My 10 meets 2nd Period
             Homework - Writing Assignment 4


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Writing Assignment 3 Part III


First go to Nelson Mandela

Writing Assignment 3 Part III

Common Core Learning Standards : WS 8.2, 8.6, 8.8

Objective: Students will diverse media to reinforce the elements of story plot.

This will be done entirely online.

Task: using the work you did on Parts I and II you have make a powerpoint presentation.

The powerpoint must have at least 12 slides.
Each slide has to have an image
You must have at least 2 video clips
The slides must include
1. Your name
2. Plot Diagram
3. Title of movie
4. When and where did you see it
5. Introduction
6. Inciting Incident
7. Rising Action 1
8. Rising Action 2
9. Climax
10. Falling Action
11. Resolution
12. Closing statement - what did I learn, do I recommend this film etc.

This part of the project will be worth 60 points:

36 points for the slides (3 points each - 1 for image or video, 1 for content, 1 for layout)
15 for presentation of final project (5 speaking clearly, 5 for being in front of class, 5 for questioning the audience
14 points for completing the project on time - 5 points subtracted for each day late.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

December 2 - December 6

Hello Everyone!!!
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and are ready to work this week.

CLASSWORK: 6 new vocabulary words and start reading Life of Pi
HOMEWORK: complete vocabulary definition sheets and work on Writing Assignment Part II

CLASSWORK: Fall Benchmark Exam
HOMEWORK: complete vocabulary definition sheets and work on Writing Assignment Part II

Wednesday - vocabulary and Writing Assignment Part II due!!!
CLASSWORK: Finish Benchmark Exam and continue reading Life of Pi
HOMEWORK: study vocabulary

CLASSWORK: Life of Pi and start Writing Assignment Part III
HOMEWORK: Writing Assignment Part III

CLASSWORK: Writing Assignment Part III in computer lab
HOMEWORK: Vocabulary Quiz on Monday

Monday, November 25, 2013

Updated Schedule:

There will be an assignment on Wednesday which will be due on Tuesday December 3.  Please work on it during the holiday.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Homework 11/25

Hello Meyer Levin students and parents,

On Monday the students will be taking a 'Test Vocabulary Quiz'  it is a redo in order to increase their understanding of these important vocabulary words.

Due on Monday is Part I of Writing Assignment 3

Mr. Schoenfelder
ELA 8th Grade - Writing Assignment 3 – 814/835

Part I of III Parts - Due Monday November 25th, 2013 

On a piece of lined paper, write down the plot elements that we learned in class with the following headings (double spaced):

  • Title - of the movie you watched
  • When and Where - you saw it 
  • Part I - Watch a movie, any movie from start to finish.  
  • Introduction - include: characters, setting, and the main characters problem
  • Inciting Incident - what happened that changed the story?
  • Rising Action - list at least 2 events or conflicts that occurred 
  • Climax - turning point of the story that solves or answers the characters problem
  • Falling Action - what is the result of the climax
  • Resolution  - what happens to the main character

check out this online presentation if you need more information:
email me any questions:
this assignment will be posted on the class blog

Grading criteria - this part of the assignment is worth 20 points
2 points for each of the 8 sections 
2 points for the work being handed in on time 
2 points for general neatness and grammar

 This diagram is the most important piece of information that you will need.

All the best,
Mr. Schoenfelder

please email me with any questions!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Hello 814 and 835 to the ELA blog

Hi class,

I set this blog up to communicate with you and your parents when school is not in session.  The assignment handed out today will be added to this site shortly.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Global Warming

Global warming is a problem because the rising temperatures in the world are melting the polar ice caps and creating volatile weather patterns.  Melting polar ice caps are creating higher water levels, this causes flooding to occur more readily.  Volatile weather patterns are dangerous because areas that are not used to storms such New York  are receiving more hurricanes.

I believe that we should implement a zero tolerance on green house gases.  Firstly, we have the technology to have power without using fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are a limited resource that will run out.  Secondly, we need the air to be cleaner so all of the animals and plants on this earth can be healthy.  Air pollution is causing children to get asthma at an alarming rate and our plants are not getting a chance to rejuvenate.  Finally, there is a lot of pollution free power sources available.  We have to be dependent on hydro, wind and solar energy. They are given to us from the Earth and do not destroy the Earth.

Global warming is a world problem that has to have drastic and serious measures taken.  The polar ice caps are necessary for our water levels to remain the same and we have to do everything possible to control our weather patterns.  I feel zero tolerance on green house gases is the best solution.  We need a more sustainable future.  If we do not do anything now, our children will suffer because of our actions.