Friday, December 21, 2012

Global Warming

Global warming is a problem because the rising temperatures in the world are melting the polar ice caps and creating volatile weather patterns.  Melting polar ice caps are creating higher water levels, this causes flooding to occur more readily.  Volatile weather patterns are dangerous because areas that are not used to storms such New York  are receiving more hurricanes.

I believe that we should implement a zero tolerance on green house gases.  Firstly, we have the technology to have power without using fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are a limited resource that will run out.  Secondly, we need the air to be cleaner so all of the animals and plants on this earth can be healthy.  Air pollution is causing children to get asthma at an alarming rate and our plants are not getting a chance to rejuvenate.  Finally, there is a lot of pollution free power sources available.  We have to be dependent on hydro, wind and solar energy. They are given to us from the Earth and do not destroy the Earth.

Global warming is a world problem that has to have drastic and serious measures taken.  The polar ice caps are necessary for our water levels to remain the same and we have to do everything possible to control our weather patterns.  I feel zero tolerance on green house gases is the best solution.  We need a more sustainable future.  If we do not do anything now, our children will suffer because of our actions.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Bags, bags and more plastic bags

Have you ever had a plastic bag blowout of your car window and wonder what happened to it?
Have you ever wondered why groceries have to be double bagged?
Have you ever bought plastic bags and then had those bags put into another plastic bag?

In class we will watch clips of this video, but please watch this full 17 minute video and leave your comments below and bring questions to class.

This is Wangari Maathai's organization's website - Greenbelt Movement.

... ahhh.... the magic...

Sunday, December 2, 2012

VIdeo moving forward

We are now finally getting ready to start making our class video.  What I want you to do for this week is to find pictures and newspaper articles pertaining to the topic that we have chosen (it will be chosen tomorrow in class).

Please have a look at this link and make a few comments about the history of human rights.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Starting Research

Okay everyone, this post is a list of things that you will need for your research.
the main site for us to refer back to the topics and issues is on the Speak Truth to Power website and The Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  Homepage of the organization with an public service video. This ink is a good for watching documentary films one in particular is on climate change.

The issues we are researching are:
1. Bullying
2. Child Labor
3. Children's Rights
4. Combating Poverty
5. Domestic Violence
6. Environment
7. Forced Labor
8. Free Expression and Religion
9. Genocide
10 . Health Care and Potable Water
11. Labor Rights
12. Non-Violent Activism
13. Police Brutality
14. Political Freedom
15. Political Participation
16. Reconciliation
17. Slavery and Trafficking

A link to student films that you should browse to see what others your age have done -

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Last Post of the Marking Period

So much has happened in the past two weeks. In historical sense there are two events that will definitely be remembered in history - Hurricane Sandy and Obama's re-election.  Both of which I am truly emotionally involved in.  I understand if you do not see the importance or relevance of these events in your own lives because that is the nature of growing up.

For this week please list two historical events that have happened in your lives.  For extra credit add links or pictures.

....ah the magic.....

Monday, October 29, 2012

The Eye of the Storm

Hey class,
I hope everyone is safe and dry while anticipating the hurricane Sally.  I am really not sure what to expect. The news is saying that this is the worse storm to hit NYC in 70 years they also made a big deal out of hurricane Irene which ended up being nothing.

As you know schools are closed today and tomorrow. During this time I hope that you are writing in your observation logs about what you are seeing and what is going on in streets and buildings around you.  This could very well be a storm that you remember for the rest of your lives. I will never forget hurricane Gloria, it hit Long Island in 1985 it was such a big deal, I remember my parents putting boards on our windows and the entire town shut down.

Watch this video from ABC news

For Social Studies homework I want you to describe why Sandy is 'Super Storm.'  For extra credit research a devastating hurricane that has hit the United States in the past decade.

...ahhhh the magic ....

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Is aliens real

Mr.shoenfleder i made a hw assignment for  you look up ''is aliens real'' write a paragraph with supporting details

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Where are my students

Easy homework grades... now giving easy homework grades. Please just put a comment, anything and you get credit, by the way, the second presidential debate is coming up, the Yankees look lifeless and the I am not too sure how I feel that there are no more holidays until Thanksgiving.  The image about it taken from space, hmmmm...

... ah the magic ....

Monday, October 8, 2012

The Media Won the Debate

Less than a week after the first presidential debate and about four weeks until the general election it seems to me that the media is winning, hands down.

It is the sensationalism that drives the media, not balanced budgets and the growth of the middle class. At the end of the they are just trying to sell papers.  The headlines of major newspapers (see link) make the debate to a type of sport not a comparison of ideas, plans and visions.  Quite simply American love Hollywood style headlines. 

The election as always will come down to the 'undecided voter.'  To me I really don't understand, what makes someone make up their mind?  The two candidate and directions for our country couldn't be more different, is it a 'winning debate' or is it whomever the media's darling is that week?

This week think about how you have gathered information about the presidential candidates.  Post a comment on how you have formed your opinions and where you have gotten your information from.

....aaahhh the magic....

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Up and running...

So as it seems we are now up and running. Homework assignments are simple. I will have a blog post with something for you to read, watch or listen to and you will have a either reply with a comment or find some research.  Make sure to read the posts carefully.

On this day, September 30, 1972 Roberto Clemente of the Pittsburgh Pirates hit his 3000th major league baseball hit.  Watch this video to see it as it happened.  There is a great significance to this professional sports milestone. There was also historic significance related to it as well.

For homework, search on the Internet using Google or Bing look up:
1. What happened to Roberto Clemente after his 3000th hit and what was he doing?
2. What impact did Roberto Clemente have on sports today?
For extra credit:
After reading about Roberto Clemente write a personal opinion about him.

....ah the magic...

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Nets are coming with mixed emotions

I am a life long Knicks fan. That is something that I will not waver on, however the Nets are an intriguing new team in Brooklyn.  First all, I live in Brooklyn and second of all I now work in Brooklyn. Before my most recent job at Meyer Levin I never thought of the Nets but now I feel that I am more a part of Brooklyn than ever. 

It is hard for me to set aside all of the political double-talk and maneuvering to get the Nets to Brooklyn and it is also hard for me to imagine rooting for two teams in the same city.  At the end of the day, I will probably buy a black and white hat but stay true to my orange and blue.

Interesting story in the New York Times

...ah the magic...

Saturday, September 22, 2012

The First Post

The first post is always the hardest. This blog is for my class at Meyer Levin middle school in East-Flatbush, Brooklyn.  My students will participate in the content and running of this blog site.